CEI Polices on COVID-19
As of Monday, February 28th, 2022 CEI removed the indoor mask requirement. Currently, CEI does not have any policies regarding covid-19. CEI follows CDC guidelines. For more information, please see the CDC page.
CDC Guidelines
If you have COVID-19, you can spread the virus to others. There are precautions you can take to prevent spreading it to others: isolation, masking, and avoiding contact with people who are at high risk of getting very sick. Isolation is used to separate people with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 from those without COVID-19.
These recommendations do not change based on COVID-19 Community Levels. If you have COVID-19, also see additional information on treatments that may be available to you.

When to Isolate
Regardless of vaccination status, you should isolate from others when you have COVID-19. You should also isolate if you are sick and suspect that you have COVID-19 but do not yet have test results. If your results are positive, follow the full isolation recommendations below. If your results are negative, you can end your isolation.
If You Test Negative
You can end your isolation
If You Test Positive
Follow the full isolation recommendations below
When you have COVID-19, isolation is counted in days, as follows:
If you had no symptoms
- Day 0 is the day you were tested (not the day you received your positive test result)
- Day 1 is the first full day following the day you were tested
- If you develop symptoms within 10 days of when you were tested, the clock restarts at day 0 on the day of symptom onset
If you had symptoms
- Day 0 of isolation is the day of symptom onset, regardless of when you tested positive
- Day 1 is the first full day after the day your symptoms started
If you test positive for COVID-19, stay home for at least 5 days and isolate from others in your home. You are likely most infectious during these first 5 days.
- Wear a high-quality mask if you must be around others at home and in public.
- Do not go places where you are unable to wear a mask.
- Do not travel.
- Stay home and separate from others as much as possible.
- Use a separate bathroom, if possible.
- Take steps to improve ventilation at home, if possible.
- Don’t share personal household items, like cups, towels, and utensils.
- Monitor your symptoms. If you have an emergency warning sign (like trouble breathing), seek emergency medical care immediately.
- Learn more about what to do if you have COVID-19.
External COVID-19 Resources
State of Idaho
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
CEI CARES Act Implementation, FAQ and Reporting
The COVID-19 impact has been felt everywhere, to help mitigate the effect on your academic experience, the Department of Education has allocated funding to directly support you, known as the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. This funding has been distributed directly to institutions to support students who have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
College of Eastern Idaho is grateful to have the opportunity to deliver extra financial support to qualifying students during this difficult pandemic. Your health, safety, and success remain the focus at CEI. While we are anxious to return to normalcy, we will do so following guidance and recommendations from our public health officials and our state leaders.
Making sure our students with the greatest need receive assistance is a priority for CEI. Our goal is to provide access to funds that are intended to help you with expenses, including course materials, distance-based technology, food, housing, healthcare, and childcare.
How does the CARES Act affect me as a student?
CARES Act Funds will be provided to eligible students who have had unexpected costs or hardship due to the disruption of campus operations or the COVID-19 pandemic. Students receive the CARES Act Grant by meeting the criteria that have been established by the Department of Education and The Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF), under the CARES Act. The Cares Acts funds will be paid to eligible students until funds are exhausted.
Why did I get the CARES Act Grant Money?
The Department of Education has made CARES Act funds available to students who incurred expenses as a result of COVID-19 related disruptions to their campus operations. In our initial round of fund distributions, College of Eastern Idaho identified students that were eligible and affected by the COVID-19 related disruptions to normal campus operations.
I have additional emergency financial need, can I apply for additional funding?
- NOTICE: CEI HAS EXHAUSTED ALL CARES FUNDS AS OF NOVEMBER 16, 2020. CEI has reserved CARES funds for students with additional emergency financial need to apply for additional funding. Students must meet the eligibility criteria as listed below and be Title IV eligible. This funding is limited and will be based on the student requested need until funds are exhausted. Students can fill out the simple form Covid-19 Relief Funding Application.
- Students may now receive funds for the Fall 2020 term, Summer 2020 term, and the Spring 2020 term (if they have not yet received the maximum CARES Grant award for the Spring term). Only students who attended the Spring 2020 term will be eligible for this funding.
I received the CARES Act Grant money as a refund. Does this mean my CEI account balance has been paid off?
No. Distribution of CARES Act Grant is made directly to students and not applied toward any outstanding balances that may still be owed by the student. Receipt of these funds does not indicate the recipient has satisfied their financial obligations to College of Eastern Idaho for any debts incurred during the Spring 2020 term, prior terms, or upcoming terms where funds are available. Please check your current account balance on Self-Service to determine what you may still owe.
What are the eligibility requirements to receive CARES Act funding?
Students must meet all of the following requirements in order to receive any CARES Act or Emergency or Relief funding:
- Current degree-seeking at CEI for Spring 2020
- Enrolled in six (6) or more credits for the Spring 2020 Term
- Be a U.S. Citizen or Eligible Noncitizen
- Making Satisfactory Academic Progress or on Satisfactory Academic Warning for the Spring 2020
- Be eligible to participate in the programs under Section 484 in Title IV of Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended. (e.g., be eligible to receive federal financial aid funds such as the Pell Grant, Direct Loans, Federal Work-Study, etc. Have a completed FAFSA for 2019-2020 and 2020-2021).
You are not eligible to receive funds if you are one of the following:
- Enrolled in an exclusively online program on or prior to March 13, 2020
- Dual credit, international student, DACA student, and visitor student
- Consortium agreement student where CEI is not the home school
- Currently in default on a federal student loan
- Non-degree seeking Spring 2020
Am I eligible to receive CARES Act funding if my Satisfactory Academic Progress is in an Unsatisfactory status?
No. The Department of Education has indicated that students with an Unsatisfactory SAP status are not eligible for CARES Act fund distributions.
Are Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) students eligible for CARES Act funds?
No. Guidance issued by the Department of Education indicates that students must be eligible to submit a FAFSA in order to qualify for the CARES Act funds. This limits eligibility to U.S. Citizens, Permanent Residents, or other Title IV eligible non-citizens.
I did not fill out a FAFSA, am I eligible for CARES Act funding?
Yes, you can still be eligible by completing the 2019-2020 and the 2020-2021 FAFSA, or by providing CEI with documentation to determine your Title IV eligibility as instructed below.
How do I demonstrate Title IV eligibility?
- CEI encourages you to complete the 2019-2020 and the 2020-2021 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online at Studentaid.gov
- Use CEI school code 011133
- Allow 5-7 business days for CEI to receive your completed FAFSA application
- Check your CEI email regularly for updates
- Complete the CEI form Determination of Title IV Eligibility
For more information on what you will need to fill out the 2019-2020 or 2020-2021 FAFSA, go to our CEI FAFSA information page.
***You are not required to use FAFSA funding (Student Loan, Pell Grant or Work-Study) in order to be CARES Grant eligible.
I did not fill out a FAFSA, is there an alternative method to determine Title IV eligibility for CARES Act or Emergency funding?
Students may provide the following documentation for evaluation of their Title IV eligibility:
- U.S Citizenship or Eligible Noncitizen
- Valid Social Security Number
- Registered for the Selective Service (males only)
- To obtain documentation that you are registered with the Selective Service, go to the Selective Service website, find Verify Registration, and follow the directions. Submit the confirmation page to the Financial Aid Office.
- High School Diploma, GED, or completion of high school in an approved homeschooling setting
*Please note, if CEI has your High School completion on file, no documentation is required. - Complete the CEI form Determination of Title IV Eligibility
How will I receive CARES Act funding?
CARES Act funds will be distributed to students through the mail for the safety of our students and staff. To ensure timely receipt of these funds, students should ensure their addresses are up to date.
To update your mailing address:
- Log into Student Self-Service and click on User Option (person icon) located on the left, click on User Profile, click on Add New Address, and update.
- Please be sure to update Street Address or PO BOX, City, State, and Zip.
- It can take 24 hours to show the new address.
- Or you can request an address change by providing your Name, Student ID, Street Address or PO BOX, City, State, Zip and send an email to: admissions@cei.edu.
What can I use CARES Act funding for?
CARES Act funds may be used for expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus (including eligible expenses under a student’s cost of attendance such as food, housing, course materials, distance-based technology, healthcare, and childcare).
Do I have to pay this money back?
No. Any CARES funds a student receives from the CARES Act will not need to be repaid.
Does this money count against my financial aid package?
No. Money from the CARES Act is not considered financial assistance under the federal statue, nor the Department of Education regulations. As such, these funds will not impact your eligibility for regular financial aid (e.g., grants, scholarships, loans, work-study).
Learn how CEI has implemented the distribution of CARES Act Funds for students in need. College of Eastern Idaho published CARES ACT Report detailing where CARES ACT funds are distributed:
CARES Act Reporting
CARES Institutional Grant Reporting 2020
CRRSAA HEERF II Emergency Relief Grants for Students Spring-2021
The Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSAA) Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund II (HEERF II) provides emergency funding to institutions of higher education to assist students in need during the coronavirus pandemic.
College of Eastern Idaho (CEI) was awarded a total of $492,847, in HEERF II funding to be used for emergency grants to students. CEI plans to distribute CRRSAA- HEERF II emergency grants ranging from $850 to $225 to eligible students during Spring 2021. Funds may be used to cover any component of the student’s cost of attendance or for emergency costs that arise due to coronavirus, such as tuition, food, housing, health care (including mental health care) or child care.
How does the CRRSAA HEERF II affect me as a student?
Funds from the CRRSAA HEERF II Emergency Relief Fund are not considered financial aid and do not affect a student's current or future financial aid eligibility. The IRS recently announced that emergency grants provided to students under the first CARES Act and this recent CRRSAA HEERF II Act are not to be included in a student’s gross income and are not taxable.
What are the eligibility requirements to receive CRRSAA HEERF II funding?
Per guidance from the Department of Education, College of Eastern Idaho’s goal is to prioritize assistance to students with the greatest financial need, which will be identified through the 2020-2021 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Funds will be automatically offered to students who met the following criteria (data pulled 03/30/2021):
- Enrolled undergraduate degree-seeking student for the Spring 2021, as of the date/time of the grant distribution.
- Currently enrolled in at least 6 credits in the Spring 2021 Semester.
- Eligible U.S Citizen or eligible non-citizen as determined by the 2020-2021 FAFSA
- Meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress.
- Have an official Expected Family Contribution (EFC). Meeting data bases matches for Selective Service, Department of Homeland Security, Social Security, Social Security Administration Citizenship, NSLDS, clear default or overpayments status.
Are there any students that will not be eligible for the CRRSAA HEERF II funding?
CEI has opted to exclude students who meet the following criteria: Registered in less than 6 credits, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), and undocumented students or non-citizens, non-degree-seeking students, Early College/Dual Enrollment students, and students not in good academic standing (Unsatisfactory or meeting maximum credits).
How will the CRRSAA HEERF II funding be distributed?
The highest grant amounts are provided to eligible students who exhibit the highest financial need as determined from their FAFSA. Furthermore, emergency grant award amounts for students who are enrolled less than full-time will be prorated accordingly. Please see chart below for the awarding methodology.
Distribution by Block Grant
Expected Family Contribution (EFC) | Enrollment | Amount |
0 | Full Time 12+ credits | $ 850 |
0 | Three Quarter Time 9-11 credits | $ 725 |
0 | Half-Time 6-8 Credits | $ 425 |
0 | Less than Half time 1-5 credits | $ - |
1-2,500 | Full Time 12+ credits | $ 750 |
1-2,500 | Three Quarter Time 9-11 credits | $ 625 |
1-2,500 | Half-Time 6-8 Credits | $ 375 |
1-2,500 | Less than Half time 1-5 credits | $ - |
2,501-5,576 | Full Time 12+ credits | $ 650 |
2,501-5,576 | Less Than FT 6-11 credits | $ 525 |
2,501-5,576 | Half-Time 6-8 Credits | $ 325 |
2,501-5,576 | Less than Half time 1-5 credits | $ - |
5,577-15,000 | Full Time 12+ credits | $ 550 |
5,577-15,000 | Three Quarter Time 9-11 credits | $ 400 |
5,577-15,000 | Half-Time 6-8 Credits | $ 275 |
5,577-15,000 | Less than Half time 1-5 credits | $ - |
EFC of > 15,000 | Full Time 12+ credits | $ 450 |
EFC of > 15,000 | Three Quarter Time 9-11 credits | $ 325 |
EFC of > 15,000 | Half-Time 6-8 Credits | $ 225 |
EFC of > 15,000 | Less than Half time 1-5 credits | $ - |
How will I receive my CRRSAA HEERF II funding?
For students that have set up eRefund (direct deposit), grants will be processed and deposited to their account. Please allow time for banks to process and accept the refunds. Students with no eRefund will be processed and mailed a check to the mailing address that appears in their student record.
- Enroll in eRefund (direct deposit) through Student Self-Service > Student Finance > Make a payment > Log into the payment portal using your CEI user name and password > Electronic Refund and follow the prompts. Watch your CEI email for disbursement details.
Can I apply for additional emergency funding?
Notice: CEI HAS EXHAUSTED ALL CRRSAA HEERF II funds as of June 18, 2021. Yes. Students with additional financial need may apply for more emergency funding. Students must meet the eligibility criteria as listed above and be Title IV eligible. This funding is limited and will be based on the student requested need until funds are exhausted. Students can fill out the CRRSAA HEERF II Emergency Grant Application.
How long can I apply for CRRSAA HEERF II funding or emergency funding?
Applications will be reviewed weekly until funds are no longer available.
I received the CRRSAA HEERF II funding as a refund. Does this mean my CEI account balance has been paid off?
No. Distribution of CRRSAA HEERF II is made directly to students and not applied toward any outstanding balances that may still be owed by the student. Receipt of these funds does not indicate the recipient has satisfied their financial obligations to College of Eastern Idaho for any debts incurred during the Spring 2021 term, prior terms, or upcoming terms where funds are available. Please check your current account balance on Self-Service to determine what you may still owe.
Am I eligible to receive CRRSAA HEERF II funding if my Satisfactory Academic Progress is in an Unsatisfactory status?
No. Students with an Unsatisfactory SAP status are not eligible for CRRSA HEREFF II fund distributions.
I did not fill out a FAFSA, am I eligible for CRRSAA HEERF II funding?
The U.S. Department of Education requires that CRRSAA HEERF II recipients are U.S. citizens or eligible noncitizens as verified by the 2020-2021 FAFSA. The regulations also require fund prioritization to the most financially needy students which was also determined by the FAFSA and enrollment data.
The 2020-2021 FAFSA will be used to determine student need. CRRSAA HEERF II payments to students will vary based on the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) calculated on the FAFSA and their full-time to part-time status.
Eligible students who do not complete a FAFSA or who do not submit all required documents will only receive a limited payment based on the highest EFC and their enrollment in Spring 2021 by request. For more information on eligibility requirements contact the Financial Aid Office.
You can still be eligible for the CRRSAA HEERF II funding by completing the 2020-2021 FAFSA
- Complete the 2020-2021 (FAFSA) online at Studentaid.gov
- Use CEI school code 011133
- Allow 5-7 business days for CEI to receive your completed FAFSA application
- Check your CEI email regularly for updates
What can I use CRRSAA HEERF II funding for?
Funds may be used to cover any component of the student’s cost of attendance or for emergency costs that arise due to coronavirus, such as tuition, food, housing, health care (including mental health care) or child care.
Learn how CEI has implemented the distribution of CRRSAA HEERF II funding for students in need. College of Eastern Idaho published CRRSAA HEERF II Report detailing CRRSAA HEREFF II funds distribution.
CRRSAA Reporting
Communications Related to the HEERF II CRRSAA Grant:
- Email notification HEERFII CRRSSAA Grant Distribution Spring 2021, sent to students receiving funds (April 22, 2021).
- Email notification Emergency Funding Application HEERFII CRRSSAA, sent to potential recipients for additional funding requests (June 1, 2021).
American Rescue Plan (ARP) HEERF III Emergency Relief Grants for Students-Fall 2021
Notice: CEI HAS EXHAUSTED ALL ARP HEERF III funds as of December 10, 2021
Congress recently passed the American Rescue Plan (ARP), which provides COVID-19 relief grant funding for students enrolled in higher education. This funding under ARP is often referred to as the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF III).
College of Eastern Idaho (CEI) was awarded a total of $1,910,651, in ARP HEERF III funding to be used for emergency grants to students. This legislation requires that College of Eastern Idaho prioritize grant payments to students with the highest demonstrated need. CEI plans to distribute ARP HEERF III emergency grants to eligible students during Fall 2021. Funds may be used to cover any component of the student’s cost of attendance or for emergency costs that arise due to coronavirus, such as tuition, food, housing, health care (including mental health care), or child care.
The 2021-2022 FAFSA was used to determine student need. ARP HEERF III payments to students varied based on the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) calculated on the FAFSA and their enrollment status at the time of distribution. Students who did not complete a FAFSA or who did not submit all required verification documents received only a minimal payment.
What are the eligible requirements to receive ARP HEERF III funding?
Per regulation from the Department of Education, College of Eastern Idaho will prioritize assistance to students with the greatest financial need, which will be identified through the 2021-2022 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Funds will be automatically offered to students who met the following criteria (data pulled 10/21/2021):
- To be considered for an award higher than the minimal awards, a valid 2021-2022 FAFSA (all required verification documents or missing items submitted, if selected) is required.
- Must be an enrolled undergraduate for Fall 2021 (cannot be withdrawn) as of the date/time of the grant distribution.
- Those who met all other criteria, but had not submitted a FAFSA or had an invalid FAFSA or did not submit all required verification documents, were considered for minimal awarding.
How will the ARP HEERF III funding be distributed?
The highest grant amounts were provided to eligible students who exhibited the highest financial need as determined from their FAFSA. Furthermore, emergency grant award amounts for students who were enrolled less than full-time received a prorated amount. Please see the chart below for the awarding methodology.
Distribution by Block Grant Fall 2021
Expected Family Contribution (EFC) | Enrollment | Amount |
0 | Full Time 12+ credits | $ 2,700 |
0 | Three Quarter Time 9-11 credits | $ 2,025 |
0 | Half-Time 6-8 Credits | $ 1,350 |
0 | Less than Half time 1-5 credits | $ 675 |
1-2,500 | Full Time 12+ credits | $ 2,400 |
1-2,500 | Three Quarter Time 9-11 credits | $ 1,800 |
1-2,500 | Half-Time 6-8 Credits | $ 1,200 |
1-2,500 | Less than Half time 1-5 credits | $ 600 |
2,501-5,588 | Full Time 12+ credits | $ 2,100 |
2,501-5,588 | Less Than FT 6-11 credits | $ 1,575 |
2,501-5,588 | Half-Time 6-8 Credits | $ 1,050 |
2,501-5,588 | Less than Half time 1-5 credits | $ 525 |
5,889-15,000 | Full Time 12+ credits | $ 1,800 |
5,889-15,000 | Three Quarter Time 9-11 credits | $ 1,350 |
5,889-15,000 | Half-Time 6-8 Credits | $ 900 |
5,889-15,000 | Less than Half time 1-5 credits | $ 450 |
EFC of > 15,000 | Full Time 12+ credits | $ 1,500 |
EFC of > 15,000 | Three Quarter Time 9-11 credits | $ 1,125 |
EFC of > 15,000 | Half-Time 6-8 Credits | $ 750 |
EFC of > 15,000 | Less than Half time 1-5 credits | $ 375 |
Incomplete/ No FAFSA | Full Time 12+ credits | $ 750 |
Incomplete/ No FAFSA | Three Quarter Time 9-11 credits | $ 563 |
Incomplete/ No FAFSA | Half-Time 6-8 Credits | $ 375 |
Incomplete/ No FAFSA | Less than Half time 1-5 credits | $ 188 |
How does the ARP HEERF III affect me as a student?
Funds from the ARP HEERF III emergency fund are not considered financial aid and do not affect a student's current or future financial aid eligibility. The IRS announced that emergency grants provided to students under the first CARES Act HEERF I, the CRRSAA HEERF II , and the recent ARP ACT HEERF III, are not to be included in a student’s gross income and are not taxable.
Are there any students that will not be eligible for the ARP HEERF III funding?
CEI has opted to exclude students who meet the following criteria: Early College/Dual Enrollment students, students who received employee/employee spouse/senior citizen discounted tuition benefits.
How will I receive my ARP HEERF III funding?
For students that have set up eRefund (direct deposit), grants will be processed and deposited to their account. Please allow time for banks to process and accept the refunds. Students with no eRefund will be processed and mailed a check to the mailing address that appears on the student record.
Enroll in eRefund (direct deposit), log in to Student Self-Service > Student Finance > Make a payment > Log in to the payment portal using your CEI username and password > Electronic Refund, and follow the prompts. Watch your CEI email for disbursement details.
Can I apply for additional emergency relief funding?
Yes. Students with additional financial need may apply for more emergency relief funding. Students must meet the eligibility criteria as listed above. This funding is limited and will be based on the student requested need, and enrollment until funds are exhausted. Students can fill out the ARP HEERF III Relief Funding Application
How long can I apply for ARP HEERF III funding or emergency funding?
Applications will be reviewed weekly until funds are exhausted.
What can I use ARP HEERF III funding for?
Funds may be used to cover any component of the student’s cost of attendance or for emergency costs that arise due to coronavirus, such as tuition, food, housing, health care (including mental health care) or child care.
I received the ARP HEERF III funding as a refund. Does this mean my CEI account balance has been paid off?
No. Distribution of ARP HEERF III is made directly to students and not applied toward any outstanding balances that may still be owed by the student. Receipt of these funds does not indicate the recipient has satisfied their financial obligations to College of Eastern Idaho for any debts incurred during the Fall 2021 term, prior terms, or upcoming terms where funds are available. Please check your current account balance on Student Self-Service to determine what you may still owe.
College of Eastern Idaho published ARP HEERF III Report detailing ARP HEERF III funds distribution.
Communications related to ARP HEERF III Grants:
ARP Reporting
- Email ARP HEERF III Grant Award Notification sent to students receiving funds. (October 29,2021)
- Email for ARP HEERF III Relief Funds Application, sent to potential recipients for additional funding requests. (November 8, 2021)
- Email How to get your refund (November 2,2021).
Communication for Other Financial Assistance Available:
- Email Notification Additional Financial Aid Opportunity (September 24,2021)